Code of Ethics

Our Code embodies our vision and principles and serves as an ethical and legal framework for all our employees in all activities of Gonvarri Industries.

Common Culture

We are a company with a presence in numerous countries and markets in constant growth, which implies integrating different cultures and regulations within the framework of a common culture that guides all our actions.

Ethical-Legal Framework

To meet this objective, a series of codes have been developed, an Ethics Committee has been created to address doubts and potential breaches, and various reporting channels have been established.

Local Development Guides

We operate in multiple countries, so the interpretation and application of certain sections of the Code may be influenced by local customs and culture, leading to different readings.


Reporting channels are the means to communicate potential irregularities, breaches, or behaviors contrary to legality or the standards of the code of ethics. All reports will be treated with absolute confidentiality, and the rights to privacy, defense, and presumption of innocence of the individuals under investigation will be guaranteed during the investigation.


  1. Send an email to
  2. Use the Electronic Platform:
  3. Send the report by postal mail to the attention of: Attn. Internal Audit and Compliance. C/ Embajadores s/n 28053 Madrid, Spain

Likewise, we inform you that, in any case, you may at any time exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition, which legally correspond to you, by sending a written communication to the attention of the Ethics Committee, at the address indicated above.


For more information, you can download the code of ethics by clicking here click here.