Fixed structures
Adaptable solar PV fixed structures for any module and configuration

Gonvarri Solar Steel's grand mounting fixed structures are highly adaptable to any type of module and configuration
With a versatile design, these structures cater to the specific needs of each project, ensuring efficiency and performance.

System suitable for any module and configuration
Gonvarri Solar Steel’s fixed structures are fully adaptable to client and project needs. Factors such as different module sizes, orientation, string size, angle, and more are analyzed to proceed with the most efficient fixed structure design.

Optimal structural sizing for each project
Gonvarri Solar Steel determines the best techno-economic solution for each project, considering the unique characteristics of each site and layout. A thorough analysis of applicable codes in the project’s country, along with proprietary software to analyze environmental and soil corrosivity, ensures the highest quality standards for the structure while maintaining competitiveness. Our engineering team rigorously analyzes the results of pull-out tests to evaluate the ideal foundation type for each project.

Adaptable to large slopes
Gonvarri Solar Steel’s fixed structures boast high adaptability to increasingly irregular terrains. The design’s adjustable features enable perfect adaptation to steep slopes in both N-S and E-W directions, minimizing earthwork.

Shortens assembly times
Gonvarri Solar Steel’s fixed structures are designed to reduce assembly times and thus the CAPEX of the photovoltaic installation. Fewer components and greater assembly tolerance accelerate the structure installation process. Our on-site technical advisory team provides various services to ensure the correct assembly of our fixed structures, meeting the strictest quality standards.